Fast Windbreak Trees

Farm Fast Growing Windbreaks Fastest Growing Windbreak Tree America Fast Growing Fieldbreak
Fast Growing Hybrid Poplars Fast Growing Privacy Hedge Fast Growing Willow Hybrids
Hybrid Poplars Fast Growth Hybrid Willow Mature Size Large Fast Growing Trees
Quick Growing Privacy Screening Sudden Glory Poplar Fast Growth

Fast growing trees can be a great option for windbreaks. While a lot of trees are slow growing and will take decades to fill in for a windbreak, there are some good choices to get a jump start. There are some poplar and willow hybrids that can grow a few feet a year and quickly start working to help stop the cold winter winds.

Typically when planting these fast growing hybrid trees, you will want to plant them at a close spacing, so they fill in fast and are a good density. Spacings can be as close as 3' apart. If planting multiple rows, then you can plant them farther apart and stagger the rows.

With proper care, what are some of the expectations for growth? The first year they should already be over 10 feet tall and the second year, around 20' feet tall. Within 10 years, these trees are practically full grown already.

So if you have a bare lot or even if you are replacing an old run-down hedge row, I have quick growing trees that will quickly help you out.

Here is a list of all the trees I currently have available for sale, whether for fast growing windbreak use, shade, or even privacy screening!

Bigfoot Willow 6' Staff
Bigfoot Willow 8' Stake
Bigfoot Willow 12' Post
Bigfoot Willow 20' Pole
Cricket Bat Willow 6' Staff
Globe Willow 6' Staff
Golden Boa Willow 6' Staff
Green Arrow Poplar 6' Staff
Green Weeper Willow 6' Staff
Inferno Willow 6' Staff
Juggernaut Willow 6' Staff
Perfecto! Willow 6' Staff
Queen's Gold Weeping Willow 6' Staff
Queen's Gold Weeping Willow 8' Staff
Quicksilver Willow 6' Staff
Rocket Poplar 6' Staff
Rocket Poplar 8' Staff
Snake Willow 6' Staff
Speedmaster Poplar 6' Staff
Sudden Glory Poplar 6' Staff
Sunshine Willow 6' Staff
Swift Tower Willow 5' Staff